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Make That Change!

This morning I was listening to "Man In The Mirror" and it reminded me to remind you to MAKE THAT CHANGE!  Well, have you? Have you signed up for my new blog page yet? I'm planning to shut it down on this page by the end of October.

If you haven't already done so, go HERE to sign up (at the bottom) to receive blog notifications of future posts.  When I upgrade to the premium version, I'll send everyone a formal email invitation for the official site (name may change).

In the meantime, here are my three latest posts on WordPress, in case you haven't seen them...
  1. You Know You're A Real (80s) Florida A&M Rattler When...
  2. Kenny's Kitchen: Zoot's Pressure Cooker Ribs
  3. Kenny''s Kitchen: Zoot's Tackle (Taco) Salad
So come on over because the party's already started and it's only going to get crazier, but you all already know that about me....

Love you!
...make that change.


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