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Showing posts from August, 2019

The Jukebox Room

The Jukebox Room It was a Saturday night in the Davis house, circa 1976.  Everyone was in the Jukebox Room, laughing, cheering, singing and dancing to "Swing Your Daddy" by Jim Gilstrap.  Yes, you read that correctly, The Jukebox Room .  My father actually went out and got a jukebox from someone (or some business) and moved it into the family recreation room (formerly an unused bedroom because my two brothers and I loved sharing the same room.  Of course, when my brothers grew leg hair, we all wanted our own beds and rooms).  He positioned the jukebox within the recesses of the closet, of which he'd already removed the collapsible doors to make it fit. It was that old 60s-70s model that had the decorative vertical pipes at the bottom front with the half-dome glass cover on top that you slowly, carefully flipped up and back to change out the 45 records. And that's where it sat, for years, even when I claimed the room for my high school bedroom.  The...

Message From Us Grown Folk: Back To School

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions for new and future blog posts.  One in particular, I've been considering for quite some time. Back in 2012, I started the "...and now, a Message From Us Grown Folk" series, trying to give these clueless "yung'uns" some kind of awareness about life, because they too often exhibit the lack of it.  It was well received, as people admitted to finding almost every post applicable to their respective situations.  Some were written out of frustration &/or disbelief at things my boys did, some from based on things I heard about their classmates or worse, have seen in the news.  Regrettably, a few posts were inspired by some of the madness my friends and I created back in the 80s.  We're all guilty on some level because hey, we were all kids at some point. I haven't done them very much in recent years and was surprised that people noticed that the frequency had dwindled, so the requests to put them in bl...

10 Things You Should Stop Doing To Your Kids

For years, I posted a series on Facebook called, "And Now, Another Message From Us Grown Folk...", in attempts to give these ignorant kids of today a clue or two.  To us adults, especially us parents, it seems that these kids just don't get it, no matter how much you pray for "common sense" to prevail, where former/ongoing instructions SHOULD have (thinking about it, I should take some of those old posts and put them here). But this ain't about correcting the kids.  This one is FOR the chillun', to YOU ADULTS, who've got these poor souls spinning around in circles in hapless confusion.  So please pay close attention and take heed because remember, these are the people who will someday have drivers' licenses and choose the location of your retirement home (cause they AIN'T lettin' you stay with THEM)... 10 Things You Should Stop Doing To Your Kids Note: Some of these examples will include personal experiences that resulted in dis...

10 Road Rage Rationalizations (Don't Look So Surprised)

Ok, I haven't gone on a tirade for quite some time, so I think you all need a reminder that I don't have time or patience for nonsense.  This time, I'm literally takin' it to the streets (anybody humming The Doobie Brothers, yet?).  Anyway, let's skip past my usual extended intros and dive DRIVE right into the actions that bring about my wrath.  Time for some Internet Interstate Insanity, with a little help from Tracie Thoms (warning, pictures serve as movie spoilers from "Deathproof", but since that was 2007, I've more than exceeded the 5-year statute of limitations - so HUSH). 10 Road Rage Rationalizations (Don't Look So Surprised) Littering while driving.   Every 2 to 3 weeks, there's a pile of scattered trash on my road to the highway.  I'm sure it's the same bottom feeder every time and I hope you get caught by the police and back-charged for every unsolved incident in the past!  I'll never forget the day I was riding beh...

EOM Check-In: Health Update (Aug 1)

Boy, have I got news for this month's health check-in for the month of July! Let's get right to it (oh, and hello)... The new knee is performing very well, despite me not having full sensation on the outer right side of the shin (that will come back, in time).  I still have difficulty standing up from lower-seated positions like deep sofas, but that will also come in time and with continued hard work.  I started this month with a Grade 1 Calf Muscle tear, so it was more about exercise through rehab.  The doc said the "clicking" in my knew knee parts would fix itself, but we still have to figure out all of the grinding sensations in my OTHER replaced knee. They're supposed to last approximately 15 years before needing replacement and it's only been a little over 3.  That won't stop me from "puttin' in work" though. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm older, larger and weaker than I was when I had the first knee replac...